Teenage years can be the most exciting but also the most frustrating time in our life. There are so many things happening and you feel like it’s a roller coaster ride.
You go through puberty, the chemicals dramatically change you both physically and mentally.
You feel confused. You are neither a child nor an adult. You want to be independent and dependent.
Whilst you are busy trying to balance your life, you have plenty of pressure from school, club activities, peers, boy/girl friend, nagging (or neglecting) parents and so on.
Teenagers often feel like getting a pimple on the face is the end of the world, yet some of them go through hardship such as parents’ divorce, family separation or grief.
You try to find a compass to voyage in the rough sea.
The journey might be hard, but all those experiences can be the treasure box you are seeking.
Ayurea hopes to be a little guidance like a constellation in the night sky.